Things we'd like to remember about Carly at 9 months old:
- She can take 4-5 steps by herself without holding on to anything or anyone.
- She's curious about everything and gets into everything. Keeps us busy!
- She loves to laugh and be tickled.
- Says "Momma and Dadda" and babbles a few other words.
- Eats like a champ! Can now eat small pieces of chicken or veggies, cheese, cheerios, etc.
- Has two bottom teeth and two top teeth are almost in.
- Has gotten over a lot of her attachment fears and no longer cries when left with a sitter at the gym daycare.
- Loves to play peak-a-boo
- Will dance anytime she hears music.
- Is learning to use a sippy cup. She prefers to use it as a pacifier for now.
- She LOVES her big sister, Maddie, even though Maddie enjoys sitting on her and pushing her around a bit. They play together so well.
- Eyes still blue.
- Seems to prefer her left hand for eating and playing. Let's see if she'll be left-handed like me.
- Still nurses every 3-4 hrs (except at night). I have a feeling that weening will be more difficult than it was with Maddie
- Is still not a great sleeper. Naps short and infrequently and wakes 1-2 times at night. We're still working on it. :-)
Weight: 18.6 lbs (50%)
Height: 27.5 in (50%)
Head: 17.25 cm (50%)