Yesterday, Carly turned 6 months old. We visited the doctor for her well-check appointment today and everything looked great.
Our only complaint? Her sleeping habits. I think maybe we're holding her to too high of a standard that Maddie set with her love of sleeping. But, things are getting better with Carly. We're sleep training her a bit more strictly and although she cries a couple of times early in the evening, she usually only wakes once between midnight and 6am. Mommy and Daddy are pretty happy about that.
Weight: 15.12 lbs (50%)
Height: 26 in (75%)
Head: 42 cm (5050
Things we want to remember about Carly at this age:
- Smiles and laughs and coos a lot. She's such a happy baby!
- Can sit up by herself but still topples over on occasion
- Still loves tummy time and will play on her tummy for a while before she wants to be in a new position
- Is very close to a full-on crawl. Right now, she scoots around and drags herself everywhere.
- Eyes are still a bluish color so we're curious to see if they'll turn green like Eric's or brown like Maddie's and mine or maybe another color.
- Carly adores her sister, Maddie, but isn't to fond of the daily headlocks Maddie puts her in.
- Has been pretty easy to run errands with so far. If she gets tired of being in her car seat and cries, as long as I hold her for a while, she's fine and loves to people watch.
- Has gotten over a lot of her attachment fears (i.e. crying when anyone but me held her)and I can now leave for for short periods with a sitter or in the gym daycare. Yay!
- Eats solid foods like a champ. So far, she has liked everything except green beans but I have a feeling she'll grow to like them. We're taking our time with solids and only feeding her solids once a day.
- Gives great big hugs and wraps her arms around my neck.
- Loves when Daddy and Mommy tickle her.
- Has two bottom teeth and one top one on its way.
- Wiggles her whole body and waves her arms when she's excited.
- Will not hold still for a diaper change.