This past week has been pretty crazy with freezing temps in Austin (which followed an 80 degree weekend!!), a light snowfall and a VERY sick toddler.
On Monday, Maddie started coughing and got worse so I took her to the doc and learned she had RSV. Yipes. Needless to say, Maddie (and us) have had little sleep this week trying to keep her runny nose wiped, her cough-till-throwing-up cleaned and her germs away from Carly. Maddie is finally on the mend and so far, Carly shows no signs of sickness. We're still praying that Carly does not get sick. Not sure her little body could handle RSV without needing a hospital visit.
On a brighter note, today is Friday and the city of Austin shut down this morning due to the snow. So Eric was able to stay home today. YAY!
Besides fighting germs, here's what we've been up to.
Maddie feeling sick and wanting to lie under her bed with Goodnight Gorilla:
Carly watches the Food Network with Daddy. Doesn't she look interested?
Maddie skypes with cousin Ava (the weekend before getting sick):