Stats at 18 Months:
Height: 33 in (90%)
Weight: 25.1 lbs (50-75%)
Head: 47 cm (75%)
Things We Want to Remember about Maddie at 18 Months:
- Has full reign of the house now that we've removed the two safety gates. Can climb up/down stairs with ease.
- Eats very well with fork and spoon. Can feed herself yogurt or soup using a spoon with minimal mess
- Is fearless and will run from me or Eric if we let go of her hand for a second while at a store. (This scares Momma!)
- Her favorite word is still "this" but she also says words such as trash, run, bless (when we sneeze), Momma, Dadda, eye, ball, banana, dog.
- Loves coloring, reading and playing with balls, her stuffed animals and baby doll.
- Runs fast and yells, "Nun, nun, nun!"
- Can drink out of a small cup but still spills a bit.
- Has a mouth-full of beautiful teeth.
- Every time we get into the car, she points to the radio saying, "This" until I play the Taylor Swift CD. Every day.
- Bobs her head to music in stores and restaurants.
- Loves picking up lint and throwing it into the trash can.
- Can climb on to just about anything.
- Likes to get her clothes out and try to dress herself, even when she's already dressed.
- No longer uses a highchair.
- Knows several animal sounds such as sheep, cow, bee, snake and lion
- Understands almost everything we say to her and around her.
Maddie napping in the car after a long day of errand running. Fell asleep with a toy in her mouth: