I could write several paragraphs about her, but instead I'll bullet some highlights.
- Walks really fast
- Can use a straw perfectly and it getting better at drinking from a cup
- Can use a spoon with some help
- Understands dozens of words and can say 5-6.
- Points at EVERYTHING and says, "This?" or "That?"
- Dances on command (or whenever she feels like it)
- Has 8 teeth and 3 on the way
- Loves reading books
- Loves being outside
- She mimics activities such as wiping the kitchen floor with a paper towel or putting her dirty clothes into the hamper
- Always smiling and laughing
- Loves animals but not plants :-)
- Likes hugging
Height: 32 in (90%)
Weight: 23.4 lbs (50%)
Head: 46.5 cm (75%)