I'm sure I've said this before, but Maddie is truly the light of our lives, bringing us joy every day.
9 Month Well-Check Stats:
- Weight: 20 lbs, 3 oz (75%)
- Height: 29 in (90%)
- Head: 44.7 cm (75%)
Things We Want to Remember About Maddie at 9 Months:
- She CRAWLS! Although she took her time learning to crawl, she's all over the place now, exploring her world every day.
- She stands. Every chance she gets. She pulls up on everything. Just yesterday, she used a 2-yr old friend's shirt to pull up on.
- She takes big steps with assisted walking, but stops every 2-3 steps to look up at us with her dimpled grin.
- She dances to music, toys with tunes and even my humming.
- She's become incredibly vocal within the last 2 weeks. She says "Dadda", "Momma", "Hi" and makes lots of sounds in response to people or things she likes. She's got a lot to say these days.
- She waves bye-bye.
- She loves pictures - especially of herself. Everyday, she points at several pictures around the house and makes excited noises. I say the names of everyone in the pictures and she smiles and laughs.
- She loves swimming in pools and the ocean and thoroughly enjoys bath time.
- She likes reading a lot more now and enjoys turning the pages as we read.
- She's got 5 teeth and one on the way.
- She's still a great eater and has learned to feed herself several finger foods. She's yet to dislike any solid food we've offered her.
- She has started to use a sippy cup.
- She gives Daddy and Mommy zerbits, mimicking all the zerbits Daddy's given her over the last few months.
- She growls and squeaks when she's happy or excited.
- She knows her own name.