Sunday, September 26, 2010

Big Girl Bed Transition - Update

It's been one week since we moved Maddie from her crib in her old room into a new bedroom with a new bed.

I'm happy to say that things have been going quite well. The first night did not go well and after 5-6 attempts at keeping Maddie in her new bed, we gave up and put her back into her crib.

By night 2, Eric and I decided to approach the bedroom transition the same way we did with sleep training. There would be tears from Maddie and me, but we'd get through it and be thankful we did it.

The rest of the week went very well. Maddie only cried for 5 mins or less on days 2 and 3 and hasn't cried since.

Nap times have been an entirely differnt experience and it has taken her up to one hr for her to fall asleep. But, she doesn't cry. She just plays in her room until she falls asleep - sometimes on the floor.

As we head into another week, I hope this sleep transition continues to go as smoothly as it has.

Maddie napping on the floor surrounded by toys:

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Saturday Playdate & Surprise Baby Shower

I truly have the best, most thoughtful friends. On Saturday, Maddie and I went to Lauren and Christy's house for a playdate. When we arrived, not only was I excited to see friends I hadn't seen in a while, but I was also surprised with a baby shower for baby #2 (No, we still don't have a name yet.)!

We spent Saturday morning catching up with each other, eating delicious snacks, including Christy's homemade banana bread and cupcakes, and watching the kids play together. Plus, the Mommies gave me diapers and other *much-needed* essentials for #2. What a perfect Saturday.

Maddie had a fun morning with her friends and I did too. BIG thanks to Christy and Lauren, Michelle and Erica, Jen and Fain and Nikki and Emma.

Fain enjoying his snacks:

Ladies Lunching:

Messy Maddie with Cupcake:

Me at 31 Wks:

Sunday, September 19, 2010

First Night in Big Girl Room

Tonight is a big night for Maddie, Eric and me. Maddie will sleep on her big girl bed in her new room for the first time. Lots of changes on the horizon for us!

Although Maddie's room is not completely done and decorated, the essentials are complete. Now, we all need to adjust to her new room, new bed and new routine.

Hopefully Maddie adjusts quickly and doesn't lose too much sleep before the newness wears off. So far she's really excited by her new bed/room, so we're off to a good start.

Here's Maddie reading a few books with Daddy before going to sleep.
(Don't worry grandparents, we have a safety rail on her bed but it's just folded down for reading time.)

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Flipping Over Animals

On Wednesday, Maddie's preschool had an on-site petting zoo of pigs, a goat, a small horse, rabbits and a sheep visit the kids. The kids were able to touch and hold some of the animals and learn about them too. They also did farm animal artwork to help reinforce what they'd seen at the petting zoo.

When I picked Maddie up at school that day, I could tell she'd had a wonderful time with the animals. She first ran over to me and handed me all the artwork she'd done with a proud smile on her face. Then, she started doing summersalts while I spoke to her teacher. Maddie did THREE summersalts in a row and would stand up and clap for herself after each one. That's the first time she's done a summersalt on her own. She starts on her head and kinda rolls halfway forward and halfway to her side. Maddie's teacher and I were pretty impressed and got a good laugh.

Maddie had obviously had a wonderful day at school learning about animals. :-)

Friday, September 10, 2010

20 Months Old

On September 4th, Maddie turned 20 months old. Just a few short months away from her 2nd b-day. Incredible.

Here, she's sitting on the window sill of her newly painted "big girl room":

Eric and I are endlessly amazed by how much Maddie is changing week to week. It's like she's hit an intellectual growth spurt. A few things she's doing and saying these days include:

  • Has started calling for me from other rooms or when she needs help with something. She says "Mommy" as opposed to Mom.
  • Is saying new words all the time and making connections with word meaning.
  • Loves to whistle.
  • Sometimes thinks she has a baby sister in her tummy too.
  • Mimics songs on the radio and on Nick Jr shows.
  • Gets annoyed every time I change her diaper. I think she thinks it's a waste of time.
  • Likes to say "Ow" and pretend that she's hurt herself.
  • LOVES stickers. They're all over the house!
  • Has strong opinions about the clothes she wears each day.
  • Clearly knows when she's doing something she shouldn't be doing and tries to test her boundaries (and Mommy and Daddy!)
  • Knows the hand motions to Itsy Bitsy Spider
  • Can recognize letters in a book and can say a few of them.
  • Can distinguish some colors.
  • Likes for us to hold her finger and count things in books and around her. She hasn't repeated any numbers yet but enjoys the act of counting things.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

First Day of Pre-School

Today was Maddie's first day of pre-school. She was actually supposed to start on Tuesday but still had a lingering cough so I waited until she was 100%.

Eric and I decided to enroll her for a few hrs a week so she'd have the opportunity to play (and burn energy!) and make more friends once little sister Mahurin arrives. Plus, her time in pre-school will help me too.

As expected, Maddie did GREAT today. She didn't cry when I dropped her off, made new friends, did some arts & crafts and got to play on the playground too. Hopefully Maddie has as much fun each time she goes.

Arriving at School:

Waiting for Mommy to take her inside:

Spotted the playground!